Test Prep
Exams are an inevitable part of education. We understand that just because its so deeply woven into the fabric of education, it doesn’t always mean it gets easier. We believe that being prepared is the best tool for getting through the test jitters! If you need help with preparing for material that will be on an exam, we have you covered. If you’re taking an admissions test, we have you covered! SSAT, ISEE, SHSAT, SAT, ACT, TOEFL - We've done it all so you don’t have to do it alone!

Customized Studying
A testing specialist will keep you motivated, organized and challenged. Your tutor will highlight your strengths and diagnose your testing challenges. You will work together to meet and exceed your goals!
We are equipped with a variety of tools to help you gain familiarity and practice with the anticipated material. You will engage in interactive practice test taking, which will prepare you for success when test day arrives.
With the right tutor behind you, you will excel in your testing endeavors. Going into your exam with confidence is key and the best way to build confidence is gong in prepared. We guarantee you’ll see a difference after working with one of our coaches!
The Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test - Used as the National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test. This Preliminary Test is typically taken by 11th grade students as a practice test for the Scholastic Aptitude Test.
The Scholastic Aptitude Test is a major college entrance exam that assesses the academic knowledge/skills of college bound students. Students can expect the following sections: Evidence-based Reading and Writing, Math and an optional Essay.
The American College Test is standardized test that is used to determine a college bound students preparedness. Students can expect the following: Mathematics, English, Science, Reading and an optional writing section.
AP Exams
Advanced Placement Exams are standardized exams designed to measure how well a student has mastered the content and skills of a specific AP course.
Test of English as a Foreign Language is a standardized test to measure the English language ability of non-native speakers who are seeking enrollment in English-speaking schools/universities.
The Secondary School Admission Test is a standardized entrance exam that measures students grades 4-11 skills in the following topics: Verbal, Math, and Reading Comprehension skills. Students can expect a writing section as well.
The ISEE is the Independent School Entrance Examination is a standardized admission test for students seeking enrollment into private middle schools and high schools. Similar to the SSAT, the ISEE will have sections on Verbal Reasoning, Quantitative Reasoning, Reading Comprehension and Mathematics Achievement.
General Testing & Other
Diagnostic, formative, benchmark, summative and more!

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